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supply opening中文是什么意思

用"supply opening"造句"supply opening"怎么读"supply opening" in a sentence


  • 岭口


  • With the momentum method of air - supplying openings , four typical operating conditions in the case of each air - supplying way are simulated
  • Software vendors are under pressure from operators to supply open standard solutions designed to tap the collective intellectual resources of the industry in order to make ngoss - based oss / bss solutions readily available in the time - scales the marketplace demands
    软件供应商目前正承受着来自运营商的压力,运营商希望软件供应商能提供符合开放性标准的解决方案,用以开发行业的集体知识,使基于ngoss标准的oss / bss解决方案能在市场有需求的时候即时可用。
用"supply opening"造句  
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